The agriculture industry and CHS have always evolved to meet new challenges, adapting to uncertainty and change. As a company intrinsically linked to the land, 我们相信,我们的商业模式应该推动可持续的成果,改善农业和美国农村.
从日常决策到战略规划,我们将可持续发展原则融入到我们运营的各个方面. We are assessing risks and opportunities associated with our expansive network, which will address our strengths and challenges in real time and prepare CHS for the future.
我很自豪能成为皇冠hga010安卓二维码的第一位首席可持续发展官,并高兴地向大家报告我们在可持续发展和农村社区方面的持续发展势头和皇冠hga010安卓二维码. 我们与内部和外部利益相关者的合作非常重要——他们是我们未来成功的关键.
Using this feedback, we identified four areas of focus for sustainability at CHS:
- 气候
- 森林砍伐
- 人和社区
- 利益相关方参与 and communication
We are aligning with globally recognized reporting frameworks. 这使CHS走上了一条以新兴标准定位我们的可持续发展计划和未来报告的道路.
我们还成立了一个新的可持续发展和创新团队,以指导我们的可持续发展,并帮助采用新技术和促进创新. 通过我们的合资风险投资基金,我们将创新工作视为实现可持续农业的门户, 合作事业. 我们预计合作企业的投资将带来更高的运营效率, 提高了生产率, reduced costs and increased competitiveness for CHS and our owners.
In 2023, we also began measuring our greenhouse gas emissions, starting with scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from our refineries at McPherson, 菅直人.蒙大拿州的劳雷尔. By measuring the emissions of these operations, 我们将获得清晰的信息,这将支持我们实施以结果为重点、以科学为基础的有意义变革的工作.
在未来的岁月里, CHS will continue to elevate our sustainability work while continuing to keep our owners, 客户, 员工和社区 at the center of the conversation. 我相信,随着我们共同努力,使可持续发展变得有意义,我们将继续学习和发展我们的可持续发展方法, 可衡量的进展.
Vice president, sustainability and innovation, and chief sustainability officer